Cary Farrell

Become a Curator!

by Cary Farrell
February 07, 2023

Whether you are a collector of things on purpose or if you have just hung on to everything you have ever been given or purchased, this article will be an encouragement to you and inspire you to see your collection in a whole new light.  Many of my older clients tell me they are hanging on to their things for their children but when I asked them to call the kids to see if they want the saved items the answer is often, "No!"
When you keep too many items, they lose their story and special touch because they blend in with stuff that has no meaning.  Our great grandparents left a small trunk with a few special items that had a story and meaning and didn't leave us feeling overwhelmed with stuff that we didn't want.  Look for the true treasures in your home and display them in such a way that your whole family knows the story and why they are important to you.  Then when you pass them on they will feel blessed by your gift and not burdened to store or get rid of your "junk."