Cary Farrell

The One New Year’s Resolution That Will Help You Accomplish All The Rest.

by Randy Dickinson
January 02, 2012

Albrecht Powell in an Pittsburgh article gives the top 10 New Year’s resolutions:

  1. Spend more time with family and friends
  2. Fit in fitness
  3. Tame the bulge
  4. Quit smoking
  5. Enjoy life more
  6. Quit drinking
  7. Get out of debt
  8. Learn something new
  9. Help others
  10. Get organzied

These are all great resolutions which can be accomplished if you do #10 first! Getting organized will help you to find the time, space and energy to accomplish the rest of the list! If getting organized feels overwhelming or you have made attempts in the past and failed, be brave this year and get help! De-cluttering/organizing coaches can get you started and keep you motivated.

Getting organized is a learnable skill, but it is important to know your organizing style before you start. One of the most common reasons for organization failure is choosing an organizing style that doesn’t work for you. There is not a ”one size fits all system,” but if you find the one that works for you, organizing will become easy.

Another key to organizing is to spend a little time anaylizing your needs and instead of struggling to decide what to get rid of, figure out what you need in each space to accomplish the tasks that you do there. For example make a list of what you do in the livingroom and make sure that you give “prime real estate” to the tools or items you need there. Once you have those items in place it is easier to make decisions on what is left in the space and either take them to the room where they are needed or let them go.

If you still feel overwhelmed, consider hiring a professional organizer for a consultation and ideas to get you started and maybe an organizing session to learn the basic de-cluttering and organizing techniques.

Choose one small area today to conquer. Don’t expect to get organized all in one week or month. Divide your organizing projects into bite sized pieces and work on one at a time. If you get stuck or overwhelmed, reach out for help. You don’t have to do it alone! Let an organizing coach keep you motivated with ideas that will work for you!