Cary Farrell

Organizing for the Holidays

8 Easy Steps to turn Resolutions into Reality

By Cary Farrell
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July 22, 2019
How committed are we on January 1 to keep to our New Year’s Resolutions?  How disappointed and frustrated are we by January 15 when we haven’t kept them? These commitments and disappointments happen throughout the year as well, whether you commit to eat better, get more sleep, read more, save more money, get organized or commit to any number of goals that you want to attain. &n... Read this article

Christmas cards laying around....

By Cary Farrell
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January 25, 2013
Holiday cards will filled our mailboxes last month from family and friends and that might be the only time we hear from them.  Some cards are preprinted and signed and some are mini books that give a run down of the past year with pictures! I must admit that I do enjoy receiving these connections from family and friends and since I got married I have written a mini book with pictures to st... Read this article

Letters to Santa

By Cary Farrell
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December 01, 2012
It's that time of year when the kids who normally hate to write look for paper and pencil to write that a letter in hopes to get new toys and gadgets.  And we as parents want to make our kids happy by giving them what they want.  We love the excitement of the new toys just as much as the kids do!  Many of us remember our own childhood Christmases and want to relive them with ... Read this article
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