Cary Farrell

We Are Who We THINK We Are -- 4 reasons you're not getting organized

by Cary Farrell
July 22, 2019

Most of us know the phrase “You are what you eat!” We interpret this phrase to mean that maintaining a good diet and eating healthful foods are the keys to good health.


The same principle applies to our thoughts. Did you realize that “You are what you think” as well? Often we’re our own worst critics and our self-talk is convicting. Sometimes we put up barriers in our own heads that keep us from changing what we think. Our thoughts direct our beliefs which dictate our actions.  


I hear all sorts of reasons from my clients about why they are not organized. I’m sharing the top four with you here.   


Top Four Thoughts That Hold You Back from Getting Organized


I’m Messy

I would argue with those who say they are messy that they are really just visual people. Those who are visual types just need to find organizational systems that allow them to see what they have.


I’m Not Organized

Being organized is not about perfection. It is about function. You might not be organized with perfect files and an alphabetized spice rack, but you might be more organized than you think.  If you and your family can find what you own in 5 minutes or less, you are organized.  Your system might not be pretty, but if it functions for you, then you are organized.


I’m Lazy

For the lazy I say that putting tasks off to later is actually cruel and not lazy.  My definition of lazy is doing it the easy way!  The easiest way to tackle most items is to put them away, clean them or make a decision on them immediately.  If I hang clothes out of the dryer immediately, I don’t have to iron later.  If I wash dishes immediately, I don’t have to soak and scrub hard.  If I make a decision on a receipt or piece of paper immediately, I don’t have to try to remember what it is later.     If I leave a task to do later then it will take me three times as long to do the task!  


I’m Creative

Creativity needs its boundaries too. Think about young children who creatively dress themselves by putting on multiple outfits at once.  We struggle to smile and compliment their creativity. The phrase “less is more” can make the art (or dress) more enjoyable.  Even art museums are very selective in displaying only one collection at a time so everyone can enjoy it to its fullest.   


Our thoughts direct our beliefs which dictate our actions.


If you say that you are disorganized, it will make you believe that there is no hope for you and you will stop trying to be functionally organized. On the other hand if you say that you are organized then you will believe that you are and you will keep trying to find the system that is easiest for you to use.

Organizing systems are not one-size-fits-all. If you are still skeptical, contact Clutter Free today to find the system that will give you functional order. We can make a believer out of you!