Cary Farrell

What Purpose and Clutter Have To Do With Each Other

by Cary Farrell
July 22, 2019
I have had the opportunity as a local professional organizer to speak to a few groups sponsored by Americans for Prosperity and, before I dive into my tips on organization from Clutter Free, we talk about understanding our purpose and our gift in this life.  Whether you know your specific purpose or gift, I believe we were ultimately created for connection and we can often connect by using our gift.  I connect with others by using my gift of organizing. 
What does clutter and getting organized have to do with our connections:  
1.     Purpose. Without a clear picture of our purpose or our gift, we can struggle to schedule our day or organize our life.  Without purpose, we can clutter up our day with activity instead of being driven by our purpose and gift. Our connections with others give us purpose.
2.     Motivation. I came across a few paragraphs in a book I was reading last week that I see played out over and over again with the clients I have the privilege to work with. The book is titled Safe People The passage is so on target that I want to quote from it.
“Another sign of safety deficits (in relationships) is difficulty in completing tasks. Have you ever looked at the pile of projects on your desk or around the house and thought, “Might as well torch the lot of it? I’ll never get it all done.
Generally speaking, the first solution that comes to mind is discipline and organization. Get it scheduled out. Plan the time. Stick with it. And often discipline does help. Just as often, however, our safety deficits sabotage our ability to get things done.”
3.     Relationships.  When my kids were home I had much to do and I was so productive because their connections held me accountable to care for them and to be a good example as we worked together to accomplish our goals of a functional home.  As the kids have all gone, I have less motivation to be as productive. Grant it, I am glad to have some days to relax and do nothing if I want but I know that I could be more productive if they were home. Now I invite friends over to encourage me to get tasks completed around the house.
Why does this make a difference in tackling clutter “Because of how God constructed us. “We can’t be finishers with an empty relational tank, no matter how committed and sincere we are. The fuel to be an aggressive self-starter is often simply not there. Remember, before God gave us our job description of subduing and ruling the earth, he first created us to be in relationship with each other (Gen 1:27-28.)”
Sometimes we have relationships but they don’t provide the fuel or support we need to finish tasks. Don’t let that keep you from creating a functioning home that can welcomes you.  Work on developing good connections with people that will listen, validate you, fill your relational tank and keep you motivated to be a task completer. If you can’t find that relationship, call Clutter Free today!  We bring fresh eyes and ideas as well as lots of energy and excitement to keep you motivated and on task to help you create a functional system that you can maintain. Clutter Free can also provide ongoing cheerleading as you continue to maintain your home.