Cary Farrell

Clutter Free Psychology

Are You a Victim of Clutter?

By Cary Farrell
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January 02, 2020
Your clutter may only be physical but you might also be stuck in a victim mindset complaining about it and blaming others for it.
  Read this article

Physical Clutter and the ADD Brain

By Cary Farrell
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April 25, 2019

Celebrate ALL your brain can do but be kind to it and keep your options few and create some simple organizational systems so that you can function to give yourself time to be creative! Read this article

Become a Curator!

By Cary Farrell
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February 07, 2023
Whether you are a collector of things on purpose or if you have just hung on to everything you have ever been given or purchased, this article will be an encouragement to you and inspire you to see your collection in a whole new light.  Many of my older clients tell me they are hanging on to their things for their children but when I asked them to call the kids to see if they want the save... Read this article

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

By Cary Farrell
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October 16, 2018 defines decision as: the act of or need for making up one's mind.  That is easy for some personalities and excruciatingly painful for others.   Read this article
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